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Gata Mohaashrita - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


gata mōhāśrita pālādbhuta sītā-ramaṇa1
O Lord from whom delusion has fled! O Protector of those dependent!
O Wonderful Lord! O Beloved of Sita!

Charanam 1

bhava sārasabhava mānasa bhavanāmara vinuta (gata)
O Lord abiding in the hearts of Lord Siva and Brahma!
O Lord praised by celestials!

Charanam 2

bhava-tāraka sava-pālana bhavadāśara-haraṇa (gata)
O Lord who fords people from the Ocean of Worldly existence!
O Protector of sacrificial oblations!
O Lord who cuts off the Worldly Existence! O Destroyer of demons!

Charanam 3

vinatāja-gamana rāghava muni-pūjita-caraṇa (gata)
O Lord who proceeds on Garuda – son of Vinata! O Lord Raghava!
O Lord whose holy feet are worshipped by sages!

Charanam 4

śatakōṭi carita mānava mata2 bhēdaka damana (gata)
O Human Embodied who has a hundred crore exploits!
O Queller of those who differentiate between sects!

Charanam 5

kara-śōbhita-śara pāpa-timira-bhāskara suguṇa (gata)
O Lord in whose hands there are effulgent arrows!
O Sun who removes the darkness of sins! O Lord of virtues!

Charanam 6

śarajānana karuṇākara vara vāraṇa-śaraṇa (gata)
O Lotus faced! O Merciful Lord! O Lord in whom Gajendra –
the blessed elephant sought refuge!

Charanam 7

nata-mānasa hitakara pālita tyāgarāja (gata)
O Benefactor of the minds of those who supplicate!
O Protector of this tyAgarAja!


  • 1 This may also be taken as adbhuta-sītā ramaṇa - Beloved or Consort of Wonderful Sita.
  • 2 Six sects - modes of formal worship - Vishnu, Siva, Sakti, Ganapati, Kumara, Surya.