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Ennallu Tirigedi - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ennāḷḷu tirigēdiyennāḷḷu
How long shall I wander? How Long?


1enna rāni dēhamulettiyī saṃsāra gahanamandu
pannuga cōrula rīti parulanu vēgiñcucunu (ennāḷḷu)
Having taken countless bodies, in this forest of Worldly Existence, how long shall I wander nicely by harassing others like thieves?

Charanam (Combined)

1.rēpaṭi kūṭiki lēdani rēyi pagalu vesanamondi
śrī pati pūjalu maraci cēsinaṭṭi vārivale nēn(ennāḷḷu)

2.uppu karpūra 2varakunuñchavṛtticēnārjiñci
meppulaku poṭṭa nimpi mēmē peddalamanucu (ennāḷḷu)

3.bhramanukoniyirugu porugu bhakṣimpa rammani pilva
amarucukō pūja japamunāsāyamu cētunanucu (ennāḷḷu)

4.nāyanduṇḍē tappulu nāḍē 3telusukoṇṭi gāni
bāya viḍuvaka mahānubhāva tyāgarāja vinuta (ennāḷḷu)
1. Becoming worried day and night that there is nothing for tomorrow’s food, having forgotten the worship of the Lord Vishnu - Consort of Lakshmi, how long shall I wander like those who perform (worship daily)?

2.Having earned through UnchavRtti even salt and camphor, and filling the stomach, how long shall I wander seeking fame telling that I am alone a great person?

3. In order to make the neighbours stunned and invite me to come for partaking food, how long shall I wander telling them that I properly (or patiently) perform worship and chanting till evening?

4. Though I have understood faults existing in me long back, how long shall I wander without abandoning them? O The Great One! O Lord praised by this Thyagaraja!


  • General – the order of caraNas is not uniform in the books.
  • 3telusukoṇṭi – telukoṇṭivi’ : ‘telusukoṇṭivi’ means ‘You have known’; ‘telusukoṇṭi’ means ‘I have understood’. Therefore, there is a contradiction. However, the subsequent words, ‘bāya viḍuvaka’ means ‘do not abandon’ or ‘without abandoning’. But, ‘bāya viḍuvaka’ is to be joined to pallavi ‘ennāḷḷu tirigēdi’. Therefore, ‘bāya viḍuvaka’ with the meaning ‘without abandoning’ seems to be correct. Accordingly, telusukoṇṭi’ seems to be the correct word.


  • 1enna rāni dēhamuletti – Accoring to Sant Kabir, before being born as a human being, one passes through 84 lakh yOnis. Kabir Sahib says “Following the mind you went into the forest, and obeying the mind you again went back into the town. And working according to the advice of the mind, you are going back into the cycle of eighty-four lakhs births and deaths.” – Source –


  • 2uñcavṛtti – livelihood by gleaning – gathering ears of corn left by reapers. As per manu SmRti (Chapter 4), the rightful living for a Brahmana is to glean food (Rta) or living on what is given unasked (amRta). In the modern context, those who follow this path of living, daily go round the streets singing songs on Lord and accept food articles (not food) and other items offered by the households. The grain so gathered is cooked and taken by the family as meals for that day. They are not expected to hoard even for the next meal. Please visit the web-site for complete translation of Manu SmRti –[Manu SmRti]