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Ennallu Nee Trova - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ennāḷḷu nī 1trōva jūtu rāma
ēmani nē proddu trōtu
O Lord zrI rAma! How long shall I look forward for You? How shall I spend time?

Charanams Combined

1. nīkē manasicci nēnu rāma
nī mēnani peñcinānu (ennāḷḷu)

2. dharanu karmamulanu kōriyuṇṭi
talacukonnadi vērē dāri (ennāḷḷu)

3. andari vale nēnī bhuvilō bommal-
āṭalāḍudu kāni madilō (ennāḷḷu)

4. rāmayya naluguri lōna nā lō
marmamulu telpa valenā (ennāḷḷu)

5. rasikulakē sari pōnu vaṭṭi
tasukulakē hāsyamaunu (ennāḷḷu)

6. toli bhaktula vadda koluvō 2rāvō
kalugu dhanamulaku selavō (ennāḷḷu)

7. enduku inta parāku rāma
ikanu tappu peṭṭa pōku (ennāḷḷu)

8. entani rāltu kannīru jālin-
evaritō telipitē tīru (ennāḷḷu)

9. tanakē puṭṭinayillu nīvu
tappaka nī kṛpa cellu (ennāḷḷu)

10. āsiñcinadē tappā nīk-
ā buddhi vaddu māyappā (ennāḷḷu)

11. kali marmamu teliya lēni nā
vale dīnuḍila lōnu kalaḍā (ennāḷḷu)

12. palumāru ninu dūrukoṇṭi ā
phalamunanubhaviñcukoṇṭi (ennāḷḷu)

13. toli karmamu rāka pōnā bhakti
velugucē tīraka pōnā (ennāḷḷu)

14. pūlammi bratikina vāru rāma
pullalamma pilva rāru (ennāḷḷu)

15. 3ā culakana nīku kādā rāma
ēcu buddhi viḍa rādā (ennāḷḷu)

16. ō jagadīśa 4kharārē tyāga-
rāju nīvāḍani pērē (ennāḷḷu)
1. O Lord zrI rAma! Surrendering my mind to You alone, I reared this as Your body.

2. In the Earth, I remained desiring performance of actions; but what I thought of was a different path.

3. I too shall keep playing the puppet show like everyone else in this world; but, in my mind, how long shall I look forward for You? How shall I spend time?

4 & 5. O Lord zrI rAma! Should You expose my inner secrets in the midst of others? It may be alright only for the people who enjoy music; but it will be a joke for the utter triflers.

6. May be, You are present among earlier devotees. Won’t You come? Does it involve any expenditure of Your wealth?

7. Why this much of unconcern? O Lord zrI rAma! Please do not find further faults with me.

8. How much tears shall I shed? By complaining to whom my grief, shall it be relieved?

9. This body is born for You alone; You please do not miss it; Your grace is sufficient.

10. Is my desiring (You) itself wrong? O My father! You please do not have that behaviour.

11. Is there a wretch like me in the World who does not understand the secrets of this kali age?

12. I have abused You many a times; I am now experiencing that result.

13. Is it possible that the effect of previous actions would not have effect on one? However, can these remain without being relieved by the light of devotion?

14 & 15. Those who have been earning their livelihood by selling flowers, will not come to sell fire-wood even if invited; O Lord zrI rAma! (If I stoop so,) wouldn’t that be slighting You? Won’t You abandon Your thoughts of deceiving me?

16. O Lord of the Universe! O enemy of khara the demon! I only have a name that this tyAgarAja belongs to You.


  • 1trōva – dōva.
  • General – In some books, Charanas 2 and 3 and Charanas 9 and 14 are interchanged. Charanas 14 and 15 should come together, otherwise, the meaning will get distorted.
  • 2rāvō – rāvu : rāvō - is the appropriate word.


  • 3ā culukana – From the example of ‘a flower vendor will not deign to sell fire-wood even if invited’, it seems that Sri Tyagaraja is refusing to adopt any path other than devotion; if he changes his path, it would be slighting the Lord even though He is delaying His grace. This is further substantiated by Charana 2, wherein Sri Tyagaraja states ‘while I am pursuing the path of action, what I thought was different’ and Charana 3 wherein he states that ‘while I shall continue to play the puppet show like anyone else, but in my mind, how long shall I look forward to You?’
  • 4khara – One of the demons associated with Soorpanakha who was killed by Sri Rama in the battle at Dandaka forest.