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Enduko Ni Manasu - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


endukō nī manasu karagadu
ēmi nēramō teliya
Why your heart would not melt on me? I do not know what my fault is.


endu jūcina kāni daśaratha
nandanugā bhāviñcina nāpai (endukō)
Why your heart would not melt on me who - apprehended, wherever I look, only as the son of King Dasaratha?

Charanams Combined

1. sumukhulainayī lōkulu nann-
asūyalacē jūcedaru
vimukhulaiyentaṭi vāḍani bahu
vidhamula dūredaru
samukhamunaku yōgyuḍu kāḍ-
ani mari jūḍakaneñcedaru
gamakamunanu rakṣiñceḍi vāralu
kārani ninnē kōrina nāpai (endukō)

2. dhana tanaya kaḷatrādula jūci
tamadani bhramasedaru
venuka mundu teliyaniyā
dhanikula vembaḍi tirigedaru
ina kula jala nidhi sōma rāma nann-
iṭula sēyakani vēyyāru
manavulaḍugu nāpaini karuṇatō
manniñci kāpāḍanu rāma (endukō)

3. rāga rahita śrīrāma inta
parāku jēyaka
śaraṇāgata vatsala nammiti
tāraka nāma parātpara
tyāgarāja hṛdaya sadanuḍani-
yatyantamu vēḍitirā
nīvē gatiyanucu 1rēyi pagalu
veyyi vēla moralu peṭṭina nāpai (endukō)
1. These people who are good natured look at me with envy; (they) becoming hostile, considered me despicable and abused me in various ways; (they) considered me as unworthy of presence and decided that I am not to be seen again; why your heart would not melt on me who besought You alone knowing that these people are not the ones who would protect me nicely?

2. People are confounded looking at wealth, children, wife etc as belonging to them; they wander after those unfamiliar rich; O Sri Rama, the Moon born in the Ocean of solar race! why your heart would not melt on me - who appeals to You thousands of times that ‘do not make me too (behave) in this way’ - to protect compassionately by pardoning me?

3. O Sri Rama who is devoid of attachments! Please do not be so much unconcerned; O Lord having parental love towards those who have sought refuge in You! I believed in You, O Lord having the name as the one who carries across the ocean of worldly existence! O The Lord who is beyond all! I very ardently prayed to you as the Lord abiding in the heart of this Thyagaraja; why your heart would not melt on me who made millions of entreaties day and night that only you are my refuge?


  • 1rēyi – It is given as ‘rēyu’ in all the books. Here, the word means ‘night’. Therefore, ‘rēyi’ is the correct word.