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Enduku Daya Radura - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


enduku daya rādurā śrī rāmacandra nīk(enduku)
O Lord Sri Ramachandra! Why you wouldn’t have compassion on me?


sandaḍiyani maracitivō indu lēvō nīk(enduku)
Have you forgotten (my pleas) to be noise (OR have you forgotten me in the crowd) or is it that You are not here? why wouldn’t you have compassion on me?

Charanams Combined

1. sāreku 1dur-viṣaya sāramanubhaviñcu
vāri celimi sēya nēraga mēnu
śrī rāma sagamāyenu jūci jūci
nīraja daḷa nayana nirmalāpaghana nīk(enduku)

2.tīrani bhava nīradhi āraḍi sairimpa
nēraga 2bhayamondaga 3paṅkaja patra
nīru vidhamallāḍaga 4iṭṭi nanu jūci
nīradābha śarīra nirupama śūra nīk(enduku)

3. jāgēla idi samayamu kādu jēsitē-
ē gati palukavayya 5śrī rāma
nīvē kāni dari lēdayya dīna śaraṇya
tyāgarāja vinuta tāraka carita nīk(enduku)
1. Because I often happened to have the friendship of those who enjoy the essence evilsome sense-objects, O Lord Sri Rama! my body has emaciated; even after looking at me repeatedly, O Lotus petal Eyed! O Pure bodied! why wouldn’t you have compassion on me?

2. As I happened to endure the onslaught of never-ending ocean of Worldly Existence, and, therefore, am frightened, while I am tossed about like water droplet on the Lotus leaf, even after looking at me in such a state, O Lord whose body resembles the thunder-cloud! O Incomparable Hero! why wouldn’t You have compassion on me?

3. Why this delay or hesitation? this is not the appropriate time to delay or hesitate; if You do so, O Lord Sri Rama! tell me where is the refuge? O Lord! I have no refuge but for You, O Refuge of humble people! O Lord praised by this Thyagaraja! O Lord who has a history enabling fording the ocean of Worldly Existence! why wouldn’t You have compassion on me?


  • General – Charanas 1,2 are interchanged in some books.
  • 1durviṣaya sāra – duriviṣaya sāgara
  • 2bhayamondaga – bhayamandaga
  • 3paṅkaja patra nīru vidhamu –paṅkaja patra nīra vidhi : paṅkaja patra nīru vidhamu - is appropriate.
  • 4iṭṭu nanu jūci – In some books, this is given as part of Charana 1.
  • 5śrī rāma – śrī rāmacandra