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Enduki Chalamu - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


endukī 1calamu nēnevaritō telpudu
Why this spite (towards me)? To whom shall I complain?


kandarpa janaka nīkē
kānta 2ceppenō hari hari (endu)
O Father of cupid! Which woman has said anything to You against me? Alas!!


1. kausalya 2ceppenō nīkē sammati lēdō
ahalya 2ceppenō nannādariñca lēvō (endu)

2. 3kabari bhāriṇi sītā kānta 2ceppenō lēka
śabari 2ceppenō nīdu śāntamendu pōye (endu)

3. 4bālayau 5svayamprabha 2ceppenō
tāḷa nā taramā 6śrī tyāgarājunipai nīk(endu)
1. Did Kausalya say anything or are You Yourself not willing to protect me? did Ahalya say anything? won’t You support me?

2. Did Your wife Sita who has fine and thick hair say anything? or did Sabari tell anything? Where has Your tranquility vanished?

3. Did the maiden Svayamprabha say anything? is it in my capacity to forbear? why You have spite towards this Thyagaraja?


  • 2ceppenō – jeppenō
  • 3kabari – kabarī. The Sanskrit is ‘kavarī’ - seems to have been corrupted as ‘kabari’.
  • 6śrī tyāgarāja – tyāgarāja


  • 5svayamprabha - The story of Svayamprabha comes in the Kishkinda Kanda of Ramayana. During their search of Sita, AnjanEya and others reach a divine cave, where they find a wonderful city guarded by an aged ascetic woman by name Svayamprabha. She is daughter of Merusawarni and has been granted boons by Gods. However, Valmiki Ramayana doesn’t seem to contain any further reference about her emancipation in the hands of Sri Rama. This is found in Adhyatma Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – 6th Chapter refers.


  • 1calamu – this word has different meanings – ‘wavering’, ‘obstinacy’, ‘spitefulness’, ill-will’, ‘malice’ etc. From the statements in caraNas, it seems zrI tyAgarAja implies instigation. Therefore, in all probability, this word ‘calamu’ means ‘spite’, ‘ill-will’ or ‘malice’ because of instigation. Further, in view of the last caraNa wherein he states ‘on’ tyāgarāja (tyāgarājunipai) only ‘spite’, ‘ill-will’ or ‘malice’ would suit.
  • 4bālayau – The word means ‘damsel’, ‘maid’, ‘virgin’ etc. In the Kriti ‘appa rāma bhakti’, Sri Thyagaraja describes Svayamprabha as ‘abala’ – helpless.