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Elavatara - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ēmi kāraṇamu rāmuḍai
Why did You incarnate as Lord Rama? What is the reason?


ālamu sēyuṭakā ayōdhya
pālana sēyuṭakā ō rāghava (ēla)
Is it for waging war? Or is it for ruling over AyodhyA?


yōgulu jūcuṭandukā bhava
rōgula brōcuṭandukā śata
rāga ratna mālikalu raciñcina tyāga-
rājuku varamosaguṭandukā (ēla)
Is it for the purpose that the ascetics could behold You? or is it for the purpose of protecting those afflicted by the disease of Worldly Existence? or is it for the purpose of bestowing boon on this Thyagaraja who composed garlands of hundreds of exquisite Ragas?


  • 1yōgulu jūcuṭandukā – yōgulanu jūcuṭakā : yōgulu jūcuṭandukā – is appropriate.
  • 2 jūcuṭandukā – brōcutandukā – varamoguṭandukā : jūcutakā - brōcuṭakā - varamosaṅguṭakā.