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Enta Bhagyamu - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


enta bhāgyamu māpāla kalgitivi
1evarīḍu muj-jagamulalō tana(kenta)
What a fortune that You are there as our protector! Who is equal to me in all the three Worlds?


centa jēri saujanyuḍai paliki
cinta bāga tolagiñci brōcitivi (enta)
Having come near and talking to me as a benefactor, You protected me by removing totally my worries.


munnu nī samīpamuna velayu san-
munulanellanaṇimādi2 līlalacē
tinnagānu pālanamu 3jēsinaṭṭu
nannu kācitivi tyāgarāja nuta (enta)
You protected me too in the same way, as You did long ago by protecting decisively all those blessed sages who were near You, by Your divine sports of super-human powers; O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja!


  • 1evarīḍu – evvarīḍu
  • 3jēsinaṭṭu - jēsinaṭu : jēsinaṭṭu - is appropriate.


  • 2aṇimādi – Eight kinds of super-human powers (Siddhis) – aṇiman – laghiman – prāpti – prākāmya – mahiman –īśitā – vaśitā – kāmāvaśāyitā : become minute as atom - extreme lightness -reach anything (moon with the tip of finger) – irresistible will – illimitable bulk – supreme dominion – subjugating by magic – suppressing all desires.


  • 2aṇimādi līlalacē – While there are many instances of super-human powers demonstrated by Sri Rama, the episode of breaking the bow of Siva in the court of King Janaka, vanquishing of Parasurama, killing of Khara and other fourteen thousand demons in a matter an hour and a half single handedly, piercing seven Sala trees with a single arrow, lifting the flinging the carcass of Dundhubi to a great distance are all worth mentioning.