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Emi Neramu - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ēmi nēramu nannu brōva
enta bhāramu 1nāvalla
What is my fault? How much burdensome is it to protect me?


sāmaja rāja varaduḍani munu
lasat kīrti kalga lēdā nāpai (ēmi)
Earlier, did not great fame accrue to You as bestower of boon on Gajendra – the king of elephants? what is my fault?


2dīna bandhuvu dēva dēvuḍ-
asamāna ghanuḍani dharmātmuḍanucunu
jnāna dhanulu guṇa gānamu sēya
birāna jūḍavu tyāgarājārcita nāpai (ēmi)
While persons endowed with the wealth of wisdom extol Your virtues - that You are benefactor of the humble, that You are the Lord of celestials and peerless Great One, and that You are righteous minded, You would not deign to look at me quickly; O Lord worshipped by this Thyagaraja! what is my fault?


  • 2dīna bandhuvu – dīna bhandhuvani - dīṇa bandhu


  • 1nāvalla – This can be attached to ‘bhāramu’ – ‘how much burden is it because of me’. However, there is already the word ‘nannu’ (nannu brōva); therefore, ‘nāvalla’ would become superfluous. Further, in accordance with ‘nāpai’ given in Anupallavi and Charana, connecting to the pallavi, ‘nāvalla’ has been attached to ‘ēmi nēramu’.