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Emi Jesitenemi - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ēmi jēsitēnēmi śrī rāma
swāmi karuṇa lēni varilalō
Those who do not have the grace of Lord Sri Rama,
whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?


kāma mōha dāsulai śrī rāmuni
kaṭṭu1 teliya lēni vārilalō (nēmi)
Having become slaves of desires and delusion, those who do not know the bond of Sri Rama, whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?

Charanams Combined

1. savamu jēsitēnēmi kalimini
2putrōtsavamu kaligitēnēmi
bhuvilōnanya bīja janituni koniyēmi
śiva kara śrī rāmuni daya leni 3vārilalōn(ēmi)

2. mēḍa kaṭṭitēnēmi anduna lāndaru
jōḍu kaṭṭitēnēmi
cēḍiyalanu meppiñca telisitēnēmi
īḍu lēni rāmuni daya lēni 3vārilalōn(ēmi)

3. immu kaligitēnēmi illāliki
sommu peṭṭitēnēmi
kamma viltu kēḷini telisiyēmi
tammi kaṇṭi vāni karuṇa lēni 3vārilalōn(ēmi)

4. rājyamēlitēnēmi bahu janulalō
ājya pravāhamutōnannamiḍitēnēmi
pūjyuḍaina rāmuni daya lēni 3vārilalōn(ēmi)

5. guruvu tānaitēnēmi kaṇṭiki mēnu
guruvai tōcitēnēmi
vara mantramanyulakupadēsiñcitēnēmi
vara tyāgarāja nutuni daya lēni 3vārilalōn(ēmi)
1. (a) Of what avail whether one performs daily or sacrificial oblations or (b) of what avail whether one begets plenty of children for the sake of (bequeathing) wealth or (c) of what avail whether one adopts another’s son – in this World? those who do not have the grace of Sri Rama - who causes auspiciousness, whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?

2. (a) Of what avail whether one builds (multi) storeyed houses or (b) of what avail whether one hangs therein a pair of lanterns or (c) of what avail whether one knows to glorify women? those who do not have the grace of peerless Sri Rama, whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?

3. (a) Of what avail whether one attains comforts or (b) of what avail whether one presents ornaments to one’s wife or (c) of what avail whether one knows the amourous sports of cupid – one with bow of flowers? those who do not have the grace of Sri Rama – one who is Lotus Eyed, whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?

4. (a) Of what avail whether one rules a kingdom or (b) of what avail whether one becomes worthy of worship among a lot of people or (c) of what avail whether one serves food with abundant flow of ghee? those who do not have the grace of the worshipful Sri Rama, whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?

5. (a) Of what avail whether one becomes a preceptor or (b) of what avail whether one’s body appeared as splendid to look at or (c) of what avail whether one initiates others in sacred syllables? those who do not have the grace of the sacred Sri Rama – one who is praised by this Thyagaraja, whatever they may do in this World, what difference does it make?


  • The order of charanas are not uniform in all the books.
  • 3vārilalō. Ending word of all Charanas is not uniform in all the books.


  • 1kaṭṭu – Sri Thyagaraja uses this word in the Kriti ‘kaṭṭu jēsināvu’ – rāga aṭhāṇā. In that Kriti it means ‘bondage’. ‘kaṭṭu’ also means ‘rule’, ‘regulation’, ‘commandment’ etc. In my opinion, Sri Thyagaraja is referring to the declaration of Sri Rama at the time of accepting of Vibhishana into His fold. The Lord declared his vow which is considered as ‘Saranagati Sastra’ (Prapaptti) by Bhaktas (Valmiki Ramayana – Yuddha Kanda, Chapter 18, verse 33) -
    • “To him, who comes to me, even once, yearning for protection (from me) saying ‘I am yours’, I vouchsafe his security against all living beings; such is my vow.”
  • 1kaṭṭu – This may also be taken to mean ‘spell’ – the grand sport (māyā) enacted by the Lord. The verse from Katha Upanishad II.i.1 is relevant –
    • “The self-existent Lord afflicted the outgoing senses. Therefore, one sees the outer things and not the inner Self. A rare discriminating man, desiring immortality, turns his eyes away and then sees the indwelling Self.” (Translation by Swami Gambhirananda)
    • This affliction of senses, always to perceive the objective world, may be the spell (kaṭṭu) that Sri Thyagaraja is referring.
  • 1kaṭṭu – This term may also mean a knot. In the Lalita Sahasranamam, three terminologies – Brahma Granthi (knot of Brahma), Vishnu Granthi (knot of Vishnu) and Rudra Granthi (knot of Rudra) are used. The knots are explained in the website – [Granthis]
  • 2putrōtsavamu – The story of Markandeya is relevant. Sage Mrukandu and his wife did penance in order to have children. Lord Siva appeared before them and asked whether they would like to have 100 long lived, foolish sons or one short-lived, intelligent son. They chose the latter option. Thus Markandeya was born to them. For a brief story, please visit - [Markandeya]