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Idi Samayamura - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


idi samayamurā ina kula tilaka
Now is the time (to fulfil Your promise); O Pride of Solar dynasty!


1vidaḷita kali durmada gaja gamana
2modaṭa palkinadi nijamuga jēya (idi)
O Lord who rent asunder the arrogance of Kali Purusha! O Lord whose gait is like an elephant! now is the time to fulfil what you said earlier.


kali puruṣuḍu nāṭakamunu kaṭṭa
talacināḍu śrī tyāgarāja nuta
3khala matamulanē yāgamulaku
mēkaluga narula 4jēsi nī daya jūḍa (idi)
Kali Purusha is contemplating to enact a drama by making men as (sacrificial) goats in the sacrificial oblations called base sects; O Lord praised by this Thyagaraja! now is the time to show Your compassion on us.


  • 4jēsi nī – jēsunē : jēsi nī - is appropriate.


  • 1vidaḷita kali durmada - kali puruṣuḍu – In this regard Srimad Bhagavatam – Book One – Chapter 17, verses 38-41are relevant –
    • “Thus entreated by Kali, the King (Parikshit) then allocated to him the following (four) places – dice, wine, women, and shambles – the hotbeds of four vices (falsehood, intoxication, passion and cruelty).
    • On Kali asking for more abodes, the mighty King assigned him gold (as the fifth abode). Thus he allotted to him falsehood, intoxication, passion and slaughter with animosity as the fifth.
    • In obedience to the King’s command, Kali the progenitor of unrighteousness, occupied these five abodes assigned by Parikshit.
    • Hence a man seeking blessedness, especially a pious monarch, a leader of the people and a religious preceptor should never resort to these.”
  • 2modaṭa palkinadi – When read in conjunction with ‘Kali Purusha’, Sri Thyagaraja probably refers to the statement of Lord Krishna in Srimad Bhagavat Gita, Chapter 4 –
    • yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānirbhavati bhārata |
      abhyutthānamadharmasya tadātmaānaṃ sṛjāmyahaṃ ||
      paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṃ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtāṃ |
      dharmasaṃsthāpanārthāya saṃbhavāmi yugē yugē || (7, 8 )||
    • “Whenever, O Descendent of Bharata, there is decline of dharma, and rise of adharma, then I body Myself forth.
    • For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of dharma, I come into being in every age.” (Translation by Swami Swarupananda)


  • 3khala matamulanē yāgamulaku – When read in conjunction with Anupallavi where ‘Kali Purusha’ is mentioned, Sri Thyagaraja means the pursuit of such activities which lead to the abodes of Kali Purusha (dice, wine, women, and shambles and gold - falsehood, intoxication, passion, cruelty and animosity) as stated above.
    • But, in many kRtis, Sri Thyagaraja uses the word ‘mata’ to mean all such practices other than bhakti – particulary the path of Vedic karma – for the sake enjoyments.