evvarē rāmayya nī sari | O Lord Rama! Who is equal to You? |
ravvaku tāvu lēka sujanulanu rājiga rakṣiñcu vār(evvarē) | O Lord Rama! Who else is equal to You in protecting pious people willingly without giving any room for reproach? |
pagavāniki sōdaruḍaniyeñcaka bhaktinerigi laṅkā 1paṭṭamosagagā naga dhara sura bhū-sura pūjita vara nāga śayana tyāgarāja vinuta sari(yevvarē) | As You granted the reign of Lanka to Vibhishana realising his devotion only, without considering that he is the brother of Your enemy – Ravana, O Bearer of Mountain! O Lord worshipped by celestials and Brahmanas! O Lord reclining on the bed of blessed Sesha - the serpent! O Lord praised by this Thyagaraja! O Lord Rama! who is equal to You? |
- 1paṭṭamu – paṭṇa - paṭṭana : paṭṭamu - is the appropriate word.