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Etula Kapaduduvo - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


eṭula kapāḍuduvō
śrī rāmacandra nann(eṭula)
O Lord Sri Ramachandra! (I wonder) how You would save me.


1eṭula kāpāḍuduvō raghuvīra
maṭu māya samsāramandu
tagilina nann(eṭula)
O Lord Raghuveera! (I wonder) how You would save me who is caught in the strange illusory Worldly Existence.

Charanams Combined

1. anudinamunu dāra tanaya vargādula
pālanamu sēyuṭa-koraku dhanamulu kaligina
manujula pogaḍiyārjiñcina paikamula jūci
tanaku sari lēdani biguvuna tirigina nann(eṭula)

2. kāyaja janaka nā prāyamulellannu
māyā pūritulaina dāyādula cēta
sāya paryantamu kāya kleśamu jendan-
āyenu kāni mauni dhyēya ninu
teliya lēni nann(eṭula)

3. satamani bāndhavula jatanu nammi madiki
hitavu lēka ō patita pāvana
santatamu 2tyāgarāja hita sura nikara
pūjita ninnē śaraṇu jocciti kāni rāma nann(eṭula)
1. I wonder how You would save me who - looking at the (amount of) money earned by praising every day those who have wealth, for the sake of nourishing the family consisting of wife and children etc. - went about bloated with pride that none is equal to me?

2. O Father of cupid! All my life, (every day) till the evening, I had to undergo bodily suffering in the hands of my cousins who are totally immersed in the Grand illusion (of Worldly Existence); therefore, O Lord meditated by sages! I wonder how You would save me who didn’t know You?

3. Having had no comfort in my mind by believing the troupe of relatives to be ever-lasting, O Redeemer of those fallen! O benefactor of this Thyagaraja! O Lord worshipped by the multitude of celestials! I perpetually sought only You as refuge; yet, O Lord Sri Rama! I wonder how You would save me?


  • 1eṭula kāpāḍutuvō raghuvīra – In some books, these words are not found.
  • 2tyāgarāja hita – tyāgarāja sahita