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Emani vegintune - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ēmani vēgintunē śrī rāma rāma
O Lord Sri Rama! With what hope shall I keep awake? O Lord Rama!


ēmani vēgintunentani sairintu
nā muddu dēvuḍu nanu bāsenayyayyō (ēmani)
With what hope shall I keep awake? How long shall I endure? Alas! my charming Lord has abandoned me.

Charanams Combined

1. pāliñci lāliñci palumāru kaugiliñci
tēliñci nanu para dēśi sēya tōcenō (ēmani)

2. āḍina muccaṭa nādantaraṅgamu niṇḍan-
īḍu lēdaniyuṇṭinindāka sarivārilō (ēmani)

3. eḍa bāyaka tyāgarājunēlu śrī harini tolli
baḍalikalārci nā ceyi paṭṭinadi talacucu (ēmani)
1. Having nourished, caressed and embraced me many a times, now did it occur to Him to treat me as an alien by setting me afloat (in the Ocean of Worldy Existence)?

2. As my heart was filled with the conversations with the Lord, so far I remained content that there is none equal to me among my peers.

3. As the Lord is separated from me, with what hope shall I keep awake thinking of Sri Hari – one who governs Thyagaraja – about how earlier He held my hand relieving my weariness?


  • This kriti forms part of dance-drama 'Prahlada Bhakti Vijayam'. These words are uttered by Prahlada thinking of the Lord Hari.


Prahlada Bhakti Vijayam (Drama) of Tyagaraja

Part I

  1. Sri Ganapatini Sevimpa (Saurashtram): Invocation
  2. Vasudevayani (Kalyani): Visit of dvāra pāla to the assembly.
  3. dvārapāla questions the sūtradhāri (of the nāṭakam); the sūtradhāri explains the purpose of the nāṭakam.
  4. On questioning by sūtradhāri, dvārapāla tells that varuṇa (Lord of Oceans) has ordered the town to be beautified for greeting Prahlada who has been saved by samudrarāja.
  5. Sagarundu vedalenido (Yamuna Kalyani): Visit of samudrarāja.
  6. Vinata Suta Rara (Huseni): samudrarāja calls on garuḍa to release Prahlada from nāgapāśam.
  7. Vishnu Vahanundu (Shankarabharanam) : Arrival of garuḍa.
  8. Varidhi niku (Todi): After being released from nāgapāśam, Prahlada pays obeisance to samudrarāja. Prahlada requests samudrarāja to tell him the path by adopting which Lord Hari would manifest Himself.
  9. Vaccunu Hari (Kalyani): samudrarāja assures Prahlada that Lord Hari would come if he prays to Him with total dedication.

Part II

  1. Vandanamu Raghunandana (Sahana): Prahlada prays to Lord Hari.
  2. Indukayi tanuvunu (Punnagavarali): As Lord does not manifest, Prahlada becomes sad.
  3. Etla kanugonduno (Ghanta): Prahlada laments further.
  4. Nijamaite mundara (Bhairavi): Prahlada hears the music of the vīṇa of sage Narada - Prahlada asks him to come before him.
  5. Narada muni vedalina (Kamavardhini): Arrival of sage Narada.
  6. After paying obeisance to sage Narada, Prahlada tells his anguish. The sage tells him about the conversation he heard at vaikuṇṭham and that the Lord is aware of Prahlada's bhakti.
  7. Ipudaina nanu (Arabhi): Hearing the sweet words, Prahlada feels happy.
  8. Prahlada wants to know the details of conversation between Lord Hari and Mother Lakshmi. As the Lord explains the call of Prahlada, mother feels sad that the Lord leaves Her frequently and She feels sad that the Lord might remain at bhūlōka and not come back. Thus sage Narada explains that the Lord is very eager to come to Earth.

Part III

  1. Ennaga manasuku (Nilambari): Hearing the nectarine words, Prahlada extols Lord.
  2. Eti janmamidi (Varali): As the Lord does not manifest, Prahlada laments.
  3. Entanucu varnintune (Saurashtram) [sung by the commentator]: Hearing the lamentation of Prahlada, Lord proceeds to Earth.
  4. E nati nomu phalamo (Bhairavi) [Prahlada sings]: Lord Hari comes to earth and embraces Prahlada.

Part IV

  1. Adugu varamulanu (Arabhi (Lord sings)): Lord Hari asks Prahlada to ask for boons.
  2. Varija nayana (Kedara Gaula): Hearing these words, Prahlada feels sad that the Lord is trying to cheat him by granting boons. he tells the Lord that he desires no such boons.
  3. Tanalone dhyaninchi (Deva gandHari): Prahlada explains what he wants - he want to be merged with the Lord forever.
  4. O Rama Rama sarvonnata (Nagagandhari): As the Lord further tests Prahlada, Prahlada says that he is not ready to accept any such deceits.
  5. Sri Rama Jaya Rama (Madhyamavati): As the Lord wants to leave, Prahlada pleads to him.
  6. Sarasiruha nayana (Bilahari): Prahlada sees atma jyoti and extols Lord.
  7. Vaddayundede (Varali): Prahlada asks Lord to remain with him always; Prahlada explains how he will keep the Lord happy.
  8. Tiruna na loni (Saveri): The Lord seats Prahlada in his lap and asks what he wants and Prahlada explains further.
  9. Ramabhirama Raghurama (Saveri): Lord further tests him - He says that he will grant him other boons which will make him famous. But Prahlada would have none of it. He wants only bhakti.
  10. Daya rani (Mohanam): Prahlada prays to Lord further.
  11. Daya seyavayya (Yadukula kambhoji) [Prahlada sings]: Lord wants to know from Prahlada what exactly he wants.
  12. Anandamanandamayenu (Bhairavi): Lord bestows on Prahlada what he desired and also cirañjīvatvam etc. Prahlada becomes happy.
  13. Jaya mangalam nitya (Ghanta): Prahlada extols Lord Hari.

Part V

  1. Nannu vidichi (Riti gaula): Lord wants to take leave of Prahlada, but he would not leave him.
  2. Andundakane (Kamavardhini): Lord says that he will go to vaikunṭham, meet Lakshmi and then come back. Prahlada suspects some trick again and he seeks promise from the Lord that He would return.
  3. Emani vegintune (Huseni): As the Lord departs, Prahlada becomes worried.
  4. Enta papinaitinemi (Gaulipantu): Further lamentation of Prahlada.
  5. O Jagannatha (Kedara gaula): Prahlada searches where the Lord could be. As he recollects the words of the Lord madbhaktāḥ yatra gayanti tatra tiṣṭhāmi nārada realising that the Lord is resident in the hearts of Bhagavatas, he prays to Lord.
  6. Chelimini jalajakshu (Yadukula kambhoji): As the Lord did not turn up, he looks at each and every one whom he sees and asks them to convey to the Lord his anguish.
  7. Pahi Kalyana Rama (Kapi): Lord Hari comes along with mother Lakshmi - Prahlada extols the Lord.
  8. Rara mayintidaka (Asaveri): As the Lord embraces Prahlada, he calls the Lord to his house.
  9. Kamalabhavudu (Kalyani) [sung by commentator]: In order to behold Lord talking to Prahlada, Brahma comes to Earth.
  10. Dorakunayani (Todi) [sung by commentator]: Indra follows Brahma.
  11. Challare Ramachandruni (Ahiri): Prahlada offered the sixteen-fold upacāram to the Lord.
  12. Varamaina netrotsavamunu (Paraju): As the drama concludes, the Sun rises - as if to watch the spectacle of Lord Hari being worshipped by Prahlada.
  13. Jaya mangalam (Mohanam): Mangalam
  14. Ni nama rupamulaku (Saurashtram): Conclusion