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Emani Pogadudura - Tyagaraja Kritis (Eng)


ēmani pogaḍudurā śrī rāma ninn(ēmani)
O Lord Sri Rama! how shall I extol You?


śrīman-nabhōmaṇi vaṃśa lalāma
bhuvana vāsi mā rāma ninn(ēmani)
O The Distinguished One of the Solar – the jewel of the blessed sky - dynasty! O Our Lord Rama residing in this Earth! how shall I extol You?


śivuniki tāmasa guṇamicci kamala
bhavuniki rājasa guṇamosagi śacī
dhavuni garva hṛdayunigā jēsina
dāśarathī tyāgarāja vinuta ninn(ēmani)
O Lord Sri Rama – son of King Dasaratha, praised by this Thyagraraja who, having bestowed the quality of inertia to Lord Siva, having bestowed the quality of action to Brahma – abiding in the Lotus, made Indra – husband of Sachi the proud hearted! how shall I extol You?